Thursday 28 June 2012

39 Weeks

 The last piece of fruit I'll compare her to is the jackfruit.  Her skull bones won't fuse until after she's born.  Those unfused bones will be able to overlap a bit when she's going through the birth canal.  This is the reason our baby's head may look a little cone-shaped after birth. Luckily this is normal and only temporary.

Well I'm still pregnant....and I've been getting more and more uncomfortable as the days pass, things are getting pretty cramped, there is just no more room in there!  Each night before I go to bed I think is tonight going to be the night? I guess I just need to be patient, I mean it's going to happen soon enough and I should enjoy this time to myself, but it's hard, I'm impatient and am getting a little bored. I thought I would be really nervous at this point, but I'm really not, I just want to met this little person (and to get my body back to myself!)


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