Friday 11 May 2012

32 Weeks

She's now the size of a squash! By now she may have a full head of hair - or perhaps just a few wisp. She weighs approximately 1.7kg and measures about 42 centimetres long from head to toe.  Although her lungs won't be fully developed until just before birth, she is busy inhaling amniotic fluid.  This is to exercise her lungs and practice breathing.

I had a rocky start to the week.  I had a sleepless night worrying about this, that and everything, and had to take the day off work as I had literally no sleep.  I needed to go to see a doctor and it was a clinic I had not been to before.  I got to the clinic and realised I had gone to the wrong one, same suburb different practice.  Anyway I all of a sudden felt extremely upset and burst into tears and could not stop crying. I don't even really know why I was crying. It was pretty embarrassing.  I have been a bit weepy on and off this week,  I guess that's just the pregnancy hormones.  Also work is starting to become more of a challenge and I'm feeling really tired and worn out from being on my feet for most of the day.  My official maternity leave date is the 18th, but I can go beyond that, I just need a medical certificate each week to say I'm fit to work.  I really hope I can work until the end of the month,  that means more money and most importantly more time with bubba.


ladyladybaby said...

Naww :-( Your hormones must be doing backflips. Though I'm pretty sure it's standard procedure for the baby the bring on all kinds of breakdowns. Not long to go now sugar!

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