Monday, 6 May 2013

The week-end that was

I had a really really great week-end.  I tried to relax and to go with the flow as much as possible, something I sometimes find hard to do. We started off with a big fry up for breakie, then off for a little bit of antique shopping.  I very almost bought the cuckoo clock that I'm standing behind in the photo, then at the last minute changed my mind. We don't really have the money to buy things just because at the moment, but I'm kind of regretting was kind of awesome.

Time for a baby swap, boy she is getting bigger by the day; who needs weights when you gotsa bubba

Despite the serious faces, we actually had a nice lunch in Paddington. If you ever go to Sassafras, I highly recommend the vegan beetroot cake.

We ended the day with bubbles in the park, it is seriously the cutest thing in the world watching a baby squeal in delight at the sight of bubbles, and honestly I think they are pretty fucking rad too.

and so does someone else.

We have recently moved and I'm not really happy with where we are, but one thing I adore about this place is the abundant bird life, it is truely spectacular.

Sunday we made a spare of the moment decision to head to the coast, it was a bit overcast and windy but that didn't stop us from having fun.  This was Violets fist time to the beach and she had an absolute ball.  As we were approaching the sand she was practically jumping out of my arms in excitement.

I tried building a sand castle with her but she really just scooped up the sand and tried to eat it, we also made her into a merbaby, but didn't get a photo of that; rest assured it was freaking adorable!

Lots of sand was ingested, I tried in vain to stop it...but the sand to mama ratio was out weighed.

Lets end our week-end with a cheeky grin.


ladyladybaby said...

Yay for photos! Glad to hear you had a great weekend sugar :-D

I love that last pic of her cheeky grin so much but I think out of them all my favourite would have to be the one where Mikey is standing her up in the shallow water. Her face seems to be expressing pure amazement. xx

Now... more posts!

Pink Parri said...

Great post!!! I love the pictures!!! Agreed more posts! :) xoxo

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