Monday, 3 December 2012

Time for a whinge

Sleep deprivation is a bitch, and I wonder, will I ever get a decent nights sleep ever again? Even before Violet was born and in my last trimester, sleep was something I was not getting enough of...damn you bladder! Now, at around 2-3 months Violet thought she would tease me with 9-10 hrs of sleep, once she even did 11 1/2 hrs, what a treat! I thought this is great, I was even starting to function like a regular person and then my little darling decided "no, that's not for me" and now wakes about twice a night for a feed...poor me. It's amazing how little sleep you can function on, but somethings have to give, like say short term memory and occasionally manners.
I remember thinking when I was pregnant of all the things I would get up to when I was a stay at home mum, but as soon as Violet goes down for a nap, all I want to do is nap too. So hopefully some day very soon I will get sleep and want to do more then watch Ellen on T.V, good thing she's so damn cute!


ladyladybaby said...

*sob* I look at your blog 3 times a day, every day... I misssssss it! I know your super busy but pretty please post a picture of your little sweetness sometimes?! I miss your updates x

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